5 tips for the cabin crew
if you have made it to the final interview for your dream cabin crew job, you're nervous and apprehensive. These 5 tips will no doubt help you...
some of the commonly asked questions at final interview
Why do you want to become a cabin crew member?
What do you know about our company?
Can you tell me your strengths and weaknesses?
How are you planning to compensate for your lack of experience?
Could you explain about a time you last resolved a conflict?
Tell me how you would approach and deal with a colleague who was not doing their fare share of work?
Why should we employ you?
Body Language
These little signals within our body language, we unconsciously send out to people we meet can say a lot as we can decode body language far better than anything else so be aware of it.
Don’t slouch, sit upright but not too stiff in your chair this will say your confident and comfortable in front of the interviewers.If a question is asked of you, lean slightly forward, this shows you are engaged and interested in what the interviewers are asking. Tilting your head slightly to one-side, this shows openness and that you are friendly.
Don't fidget! Clasp your hands lightly or place them in your lap or on the table.Do not touch your face - this can indicate your lying, a lot of people when they are lying inadvertantly touch their nose or mouth.Do not cross your arms this shows that you are defensive
You should cross your feet at the ankles or place both feet on the floor, this will show a confident and professional look.Try not to bounce your legs or shake them this shows nervous energy and you don't want to appear nervous.
Dont cross your legs this would appear to be cocky and arrogant.
Tone of voice
You should breathe and pause before answering questions, don't ramble.Varying your tone and pitch when speaking can define certain words to make them more or less important, practice in the mirror.It is also good to smile and nod at appropiate times but do not over do it, this shows that you are interested and paying attention.Don't laugh on your own! Laughing along with the interviewer is more appropiate.Always use words to answer questions, don't just nod or shake your head.
Don't forget
Make sure you go to bed early and get plenty of rest, as yawning in front of an interviewer is a big no, no! It basically indicates I am bored.Do not go out eating spicy food the night before, you don't want to stink them out!